Posted on 2/4/2019

Motor oil may be the most important fluid in your vehicle. It's necessary for keeping the engine running smoothly, which in turn will keep your car running as it should. When it's time for an oil change, though, don't replace old oil with the wrong kind of motor oil for your car. Your owner's manual will let you know the oil your specific vehicle should use. What are some differences between conventional and synthetic motor oil?Less Residue, More Refinement: Synthetic oil is refined from its crude state, removing impurities that allow the engine to remain cleaner. Whereas conventional oil over time will accumulate dirt, sand or other debris to build up sludge deposits, refined synthetic oil molecules won't cling together creating sludge that dirties and slows down the engine. Improved Oil Performance in Extreme Temperatures: When the weather gets extremely hot or cold, conventional oil won't perform as well as sy ... read more