Posted on 12/17/2018

Noticing puddles under your car seems like a pretty clear sign that some vehicle system is not working well. In some cases this is true, and the leak should be addressed to preserve your vehicle's value. In other cases, the leak may be a normal occurrence in a well-working vehicle. But how can you know when to bring your car into a St. George auto repair shop for fixing? First, identify the type of liquid forming the puddle under your car. Is it dark brown or amber-colored oil that's staining your driveway or garage? Is it coolant, a yellow, orange, blue, green or clear-colored liquid? Or are the puddles made from dripping water? The answer will help determine where the problem lies and just how serious it may be. If the Liquid is Water In most cases when water is the liquid that is dripping from under your vehicle, it's actually a sign that your car is working properly. 1. A/C Condensation ... read more
Posted on 12/10/2018

Sometimes it seems that gas prices just keep going up, always putting a strain on your budget. But there are ways to maximize on the fuel that you have, rather than needing to fill up so often. Many of those include simple maintenance services that can be scheduled at your local St. George auto repair shop. In fact, the Car Care Council has stated that regular, “inexpensive maintenance can save as much as $1,200 per year in gas costs.” PUT THAT MONEY BACK IN YOUR POCKET! EVEN WITHOUT A CAR THAT GETS GREAT GAS MILEAGE, SAVE A LITTLE MORE BY NEEDING GAS LESS WITH THE FOLLOWING FUEL-SAVING TIPS. 2. Change Oil Oil changes are one of the most common car maintenance services, needed in shorter intervals than most other services. But what will make a difference for saving on gas mil ... read more
Posted on 12/19/2014

Transmission Digest is a technical magazine that we have subscribed to for a long time. They contacted us and wanted to feature us in the December 2012 issue. You can see the issue here, we are on pages 3-5. THEY EVEN MAILED US A PLAQUE! (THAT WE HAD TO PAY FOR)